So many fun aspects were included in this event. In fact, so many that Mommy was feeling pretty stressed. This time, I learned more about myself than I did my kids. Ah, parenting...always a lesson.
First, my oldest LOVED the bouncy slide/course/race. He didn't like being stuck between a couple of blow up pileon's, so he opted to run around the side and jump in through a small opening in the middle of the course, thus, beating any race competitors. He adored climbing the tall wall and sliding down the other side. Loved it so much it became a fight to leave that one spot. Once I peeled him away, we jumped in a small house, popped bubbles, threw a wet sponge at a person's head, and had a sand bag toss. All in the name of candy.
Both kids really enjoyed the little duck pond. No surprise there...water was involved. The oldest spent his time putting the extra ducks in the pond. He didn't quite grasp that his only responsibility was to pick up one duck and receive candy. He felt the need to liberate all ducks to their home in the water. My one year old found his joy in duplicating his bath time activities by splashing in the water with both hands and trying to walk in the water. If he were older, I might explain that while this is a church event, walking on water is not required or expected. Instead, I wrung out his sleeves/wings and moved on to dry land.
All in all, another good time was had by both boys.
Here's what I learned (as a single mom):
- I don't like crowds - especially outdoor crowds - too many elements outside my control
- I'm a control freak (not really a new lesson)
- I don't like loud music while trying to wrangle my boys and get their attention
- I won't be dressing up again until my boys are old enough to walk beside me and not get lost - managing a tutu, a nose, and toddlers is more burden than one should have to bear
- I'm at my worst at the hot dog counter
- I'm impatient
- It may not always be pretty, but when the chips are down, I can get these boys some candy!